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So finally here i reveal at last the first translated version of the GAMMA Version(the one before the BETA according to greek alphabet LOL XD) of my project. Ijust want to mention that this version is kinda made for display only, and it's still not 100% playable Yet, i've mentioned a few reasons why in the "how to play README" file already, like lack of mechanism, and a mistake where the mountain camera is still not working well yet, as well as a bug that occurs at the end of the very right side of the town area in this DEMO. However the level design is totally 100% complete, it's just about to add the extra features it lacks already, as well as to design the first boss later. I also hope to add all the audio/sound and animation files as possible as well in the BETA version later. But until them that's all i can bring in this arduous project, I hope i can keep improving it in the future. I'm not sure if a GAMMA 2.0 version might be required here, but i won't mind that much already.

how to run the game?

so for those who use some kind of GNU/Linux OS you can simply run in your favourite mednafen game this command "mednafen teruhime.cue", while as for those who still surely use Windows nowadays, just run the .BAT File, you can even make it a quick access if you want too. Hope you really enjoy it, and i hope in case the FSF wishes to comment about my project to don't hesitate to to send a contact message i'll mention here. And now, let's go for some action!, here's the download!.



A simple verifier to avoid weird bots! ^v^



DOWNLOAD(Gamma Version)

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林 Introduction 林

火 Characters 火

山 Guide 山

影 so, Why a game for PC Engine? 影

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(C) Azalea Foundation, Takeda Nobutake アザレア財団、武田信勇 2017-2023

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