




to be swift, like the wind, silent, like the forest

conqueror like the fire, and unnamovable like a mountain

A long time ago, Japan held it's leadership through governments that were in charge of the majority of the common activities a normal Emperor tended to do back in it's The 2nd shogunate governed by the family clan, Ashikaga. Ruled through a long time the state that most people would known as Japan, since then most clans sword a deep and great loyalty under the power of it's leadership. But that all changed one day when the Clan reached a point to scarse it's powership that it became way lower than the rest of the other clans, thus debating the so called warring states(the sengoku jidai). Without a Shogun nor Emperor that could've kept them, the state of japan was divided, and all the clans fought one each other, as their warrior tradition motivated then. And many as well were the sacrifices that came through this warrring period, as well as it's past and future generations. Just wars.... that would later only lead Japan to it's darkest fate possible, leaving them with one of the most hideous spots that marked world's history

Throught it's real past, the triumphant of this war event became Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu who became the 3rd family to become the almighty leaders of Japan. This caused only big temptations which later went as conquest through the era of Japan's Big Empire.... This history.... will try to attempt to change everything that marked the timeline of Japan!

and in this alternate world, it is expected to study the focus the idea of the chances of what if also the other historical clans ascended through the Shogunate of Japan. And this one will begin through the focus of one of the secondary clans that were also one of the famous through the history of Japan. It's about a clan that almost achieves the victory of becoming the next one under the undeniable leadership of all Japan. But their rivals were cunning and powerful. It faced the unavoidable loss along it's history! But that will finally lead to change it completely through the new hope that will born arround all the Takeda Clan, their history is very known for become all masters of cavalry arround all japan, and it's there where the grand Tiger of Kai, Takeda Shingen, will give it's fruit to it's 3rd and last special daughter from the nobleship of it's family, a true heroine that under the blessing of the buddha gods, and the special training she recieved, will help her to change the fate of her clan as much better as possible, and to seek from it the secrets to make a better Japan arround this new world's history. This will become the legendary story of our beloved and future heroine "Takeda Teruhime!, The princess Tiger of Kai!" ^^


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(C) Azalea Foundation, Takeda Nobutake アザレア財団、武田信勇 2017-2023

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